5 Reasons to add Lamanchas to your hobby farm

As a farmer or homesteader, one of the decisions you may have to make is whether to raise livestock or not. If you choose to do so, you will need to decide what type of animals you will raise, and if goats are part of your plans, you might want to consider adding the Lamancha […]

Should you get goats?

Are goats right for your hobby farm? Well that depends. Are you looking for a cute critter for your hobby farm? Like goat’s milk? Like goat meat? Like taking care of animals? If you answered yes to the above then you might want to think about getting a goat. In comparison they do require less […]

Mechanical Ways to Protect Your Flock

Keeping a chicken flock is a rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging. One of the biggest challenges is protecting the flock from predators. While many people resort to using animal guards, such as dogs or donkeys, not everyone has access to these resources or may prefer to avoid using animals for this purpose. […]

A Few Ways to Keep Your Chickens Safe

This is not all inclusive but should help get the juices flowing to new poultry owners. This is a must-have for chicken owners to keep your chickens safe from predators: Keeping Chickens Safe Many people are thinking about getting chickens now that the prices of eggs are up and maybe the amount seem less when […]

Gardening Can Be Fun and Produce Food

Disclaimer: I may make a commission on affiliate links. It does not cost you anything extra as a consumer. Gardening is a great way to supplement your family’s food. You might be thinking it’s too much for you, especially if you don’t have a green thumb. I can attest, however, it is not that difficult. […]

How to Pick a Chicken Waterer

I have had many chicken waterers in my ownership of chickens. I have had the large 5-gallon with the near impossible to unscrew top to metal ones where you fill them from the top, replace the top, then ‘open’ it to allow the water to flow into the bottom tray. Brooders may be smaller so […]

Care for Your Flock in Freezing Temps

Worried about your chickens in the cold? Are you worried they won’t be able to keep warm without a heat lamp or other heat source? Well, worry not. Your chickens can keep themselves pretty warm in the colder temperatures. Of course, there are some areas where they need to have supplemental heat. A fully feathered […]

4 Easy Homemade Crafts for Holiday Gifts

I do make a commission on the links you use within this blog but you do not pay any extra for the items. Thank you for your support of my small business.  I decided to create crafty stuff to give my kids for Christmas this year. We did Dirty Santa last year and this year […]